Friday, March 9, 2018

MVP Celebration

Let me first start off by saying that every teacher should implement a reward system that works best for them and their students. I do not believe that there is a right or wrong way, or that one way is better than another. I am simply here to tell you about what I use in my classroom and what has worked for me and my students. I have one reward that is awarded to one deserving student each week: The MVP.

What is the MVP?
I have a sports themed classroom and refer to all my students as champions and teammates. I decided to call it 'MVP' because that is the honor given to the teammates who work the hardest on a sports team. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the MVP is the most coveted honor in my classroom. It is the only reward I implement in my classroom and it has been extremely effective in increasing positive behavior, homework completion and self-motivation.
At the beginning of the year I hyped up this award BIG TIME! What you put into selling is what students will buy (now that's something that applies to all things in teaching haha!).  I explained to my students that the MVP is so great of an accomplishment, that to receive it will require every ounce of their best effort. I let them know that getting MVP is not easy, but so worth it. I encourage my students to be self-motivated. I want them working to be the best person they can be at all times. In the words of master educator Ron Clark, "Not every child deserves a cookie!" and well, not every child deserves MVP, that's just the facts! I want my students to truly work for MVP, because just like in real life, hard work and effort will get them far. 

How do you choose the MVP?
I choose ONE student each week to be MVP. I only choose students who really deserve it, so I might go the whole year without ever choosing a certain student to be MVP because they did not deserve it (this has never happened though, I can proudly say that all my students have risen to the occasion!). I choose the student who has followed 'Our Game Plan' expectations with great effort. These things are based off of Ron Clark's Essential 55 List. These requirements apply to the whole student- not just the academic side! Always say please and thank you, be positive and enjoy life, make eye contact when someone is speaking and always be honest are just a few listed on the Game Plan.  Students also must be in attendance every day that week and not miss a single homework assignment. Failure to be at school or miss an assignment, and they are automatically out of the running for MVP (but just for that week, not the whole year). 
What does the MVP receive?
Receiving the title of MVP is enough of reward in itself! But to make the reward even sweeter, the MVP gets to sit at a special desk. This desk has a whiteboard top, special markers, cool pens and tons of stickers. In addition to that, I include a few mints and a snack and juice ticket that they can redeem from me any time they like. Their picture is also displayed outside of our classroom door for the world to see. :)

What exactly is the MVP celebration?
My absolute favorite part of the MVP reward is the celebration we have on Friday! At the very end of  the day Friday, the current MVP and I come up with a list of the top 7 champions who were very close to earning the title. My students love being able to help me choose, and they know how big of a responsibility it is. After we've made the list, I then have the final say of who won. The celebration is a big deal, I turn on our disco lights, play some upbeat jams and have my students line up in a line across from each other leaving space for the current MVP to walk down the aisle with the trophy. As he/she walks down the aisle, the rest of the team jumps up and repeatedly chants "who's gonna be the MVP?! who's gonna be the MVP?!". Next, the current MVP and I announce the top 7 and after that, I describe the specific qualities of the student that earned them the title (without revealing their name). Finally, the current MVP announces the name of the next MVP. When he/she hears their name, my students swarm around them with hugs and high fives! It makes my teacher heart so happy to see my students celebrate each other- that's the REAL purpose behind MVP! 

MVP has changed my classroom in so many positive ways! It's our jobs as educators to build students' confidence and character. My students have learned that they will not get a reward 'just because' and most importantly they have learned to be genuinely happy and excited for the teammate who does win MVP.
- Julie 🌟